The 18th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering
August 28, 2018 to August 31, 2018
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
The 18th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng 2018) seeks original research papers that focus on the design, implementation, development, management, use and evaluation of advanced systems where document and document collections play a key role. DocEng emphasizes innovative approaches to document engineering technology, use of documents and document collections in real-world applications, novel principles, tools and processes that improve our ability to create, manage, maintain, share, and productively use these. In particular, DocEng 2018 seeks works involving large-scale document engineering applications of industrial relevance. You are invited to submit original papers to DocEng 2018, to be held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Attendees at this international forum have interests that span all aspects of document engineering and applications.
Important Dates
Thu Mar 29th, 2018: Short papers and Application notes dueMon Apr 30th, 2018: Short papers and Application notes notificationsJune 15, 2018 (revised from May 14, 2018:) Full papers, camera-ready papers dueJune 30, 2018 (revised from May 25, 2018) Short papers, Application notes, Demo papers: Camera-ready papers dueJuly 1, 2018: Author registration deadline (for more information, see Section 3 of registration pageJuly 14, 2018: Early registration deadline- Tue Aug 28th, 2018: Conference starts
- Fri Aug 31st, 2018: Conference ends
Oral and poster presentation guidelines
Best Paper Award Nominees
(in order of presentation/proceedings):
- Dallas Fraser, Andrew Kane and Frank Tompa. BEST PAPER AWARD Choosing Math Features for BM25 Ranking with Tangent-L (#17, session 3 - Wed@1615)
- Elliott Wen and Gerald Weber. BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD SwiftLaTeX- Exploring Web-based True WYSIWYG Editing for Digital Publishing (#8, session 1 - Wed@1030)
- Jack Jansen, Dick Bulterman and Pablo Cesar.
Workflow Support for Live Object-Based Broadcasting (#10, session 1 - Wed@1030) - Colin Post, Patrick Golden and Ryan Shaw. Never the Same Stream: netomat, XLink, and Metaphors of Web Documents (#13, session 2 - Wed@1415)
- Alexandra Bonnici, Dorian Bugeja and George Azzopardi Vectorisation of sketches with shadows and shading using COSFIRE filters (#23, session 5 - Thu@1130)
All delegates (unless in conflict with any of the above papers) are invited to provide informal comments on the papers' contents and/or presentation to the Best Paper Awards Committee (Peter King, Tamir Hassan, Iraklis Varlamis, Sonja Schimmler, Maria de Graca Pimentel) by email to vlado@dnlp.ca and fpaulovich@gmail.com, Subject line: DocEng 2018 Best Paper Awards feedback Deadline for comments is Thursday@1230.
(conflict: authors of any of the nominated papers, research collaborators with such authors in the last six years, or working in the same institution as such authors)
DocEng on twitter:
The DocEng account on twitter is @ACMDocEng Post & Search using the #DocEng hashtag.