The 23rd ACM Symposium on Document Engineering
August 22, 2023 to August 25, 2023
University of Limerick, Ireland
Thank you to everyone who attended and participated in DocEng'23. This year’s best papers were as follows:
Best Paper Award: “Muti-task CTC for Joint Handwriting Recognition and Character Bounding Box Prediction". Curtis Wigington.
Best Student Paper award: “Privacy Lost and Found: An Investigation at Scale of Web Privacy Policy Availability.” Mukund Srinath, C. Lee Giles, Shomir Wilson, Soundarya Nurani Sundareswara and Pranav Venkit.
Nominations for Best Paper Award
- “Muti-task CTC for Joint Handwriting Recognition and Character Bounding Box Prediction.” Curtis Wigington
- “Automatically Inferring the Document Class of a Scientific Article.” Antoine Gauquier and Pierre Senellart
- “Using YOLO Network for Automatic Processing of Finite Automata Images with Application to Bit-Strings Recognition." Daniela Costa and Carlos Mello
Nominations for Best Student Paper Award
- “Addressing the gap between current language models and key-term based clustering.” Eric M. Cabral, Sima Rezaeipourfarsangi, Maria Cristina F. de Oliveira, Evangelos Milios and Rosane Minghim
- “Static Pruning for Multi-representation Dense Retrieval." Antonio Acquavia, Nicola Tonellotto and Craig Macdonald
- “Privacy Lost and Found: An Investigation at Scale of Web Privacy Policy Availability.” Mukund Srinath, C. Lee Giles, Shomir Wilson, Soundarya Nurani Sundareswara and Pranav Venkit

The 23rd ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng'23) seeks original research papers that focus on the design, implementation, development, management, use and evaluation of advanced systems where documents and document collections play a key role. DocEng emphasizes innovative approaches to document engineering technology, use of documents and document collections in real-world applications, and novel principles, tools and processes that improve our ability to create, manage, maintain, share, and productively use these.
In particular, DocEng'23 seeks contributions in the area of cooperative work with documents.
You are invited to submit original papers to DocEng'23, to be held in University of Limerick, Ireland. Attendees at this international forum have interests that span all aspects of document engineering and applications.
DocEng'23 is organised by the University of Limerick, Ireland as a full, in person event.
Keynote Speakers
We are delighted to announce two wonderful keynote speakers for DocEng'23:

Gary Moloney - The evolution and growth of engineering documents for consumer engagement.
Product and service differentiation by virtue of delivering a unique personalized consumer experience is considered by many as the next competitive battleground. Due to the e-commerce sales surge during the pandemic more often these days the consumers first tangible interaction with the brand is now upon receipt of a package purchased online. Brands look at the consumer touchpoints with the brand, its packaging and labels, as more and more critical in delivering and managing an event-based-experience.
How you “engineer” your users to engage is the human factor/behavioral element of document engineering. This presentation will look at real-life examples of how brands are evolving their strategies when focussing on event based experiences to both deliver new brand marketing/consumer experience strategies and to create data sets from the consumer engagement to address both old-age business problems and challenges and some new emerging ones.
Gary is a technology innovation centre manager, engineer, and experienced technology services executive. He has a proven track record of developing & leading award winning, commercially successful cloud services rd&i in multinational corporate environments. Gary has 25+ years’ strong domain expertise and experience of building & managing technology teams in successfully delivering innovative technology-based services & solutions related to product & supply chain traceability, brand protection/counterfeit detection and prevention, brand promotion & consumer engagement.

Joanne O'Doherty - Making a Difference through Data Visualisation
Kinsetsu make a difference in critical sectors. Through automated visualisation of locations, environments, and assets, Kinsetsu optimise service flows, unburden teams, and improve safety and outcomes for citizens. Joanne will discuss how Kinsetsu has provided actionable insights through their IoT platform and sensor data within Healthcare, Defence and Local Government. Working with customers to visualise real-time data, including digital mapping and analytics to manage anomalies within their local and remote environments, bringing positive change. Joanne will demonstrate their “living documents” that dynamically represent the here and the now, providing data at the right time to the right person in the right place, when and where they need it.
Joanne is Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Kinsetsu. She is passionate about utilising technology for the right reasons, to improve outcomes for teams, services, and citizens. Joanne has 20+ years of experience in the ICT industry and holds a BSc in Computing. She started her career in application development before broadening her experience into application design, systems analysis, business analysis and finally into business development. Working with leading global ICT vendors Hewlett-Packard and Dell, Joanne worked in complex transformative projects in the IoT space before forming Kinsetsu in 2016.
Contact Information
Please contact the organizers via doceng2023@ul.ie
DocEng on Twitter
The DocEng account on Twitter is @ACMDocEng. Post and search using the #DocEng hashtag.