The 25th ACM Symposium on Document Engineering
September 2, 2025 to September 5, 2025
Nottingham, UK
Submission Information
DocEng is a single-track conference attended by a community of academic and industrial researchers. At least one author for each paper or application note and all workshop organizers and presenters must register to attend DocEng 2025.
Submissions should be prepared using the ACM format. Guidelines are available at the ACM Primary Article Template. Please note that Word users should use the interim template; DocEng does not use TAPS. We provide the following additional tips:
LaTeX users: please use the ACM Conference Proceedings Primary Article Template and in the preamble, please call the acmart class using the sigconf format. For reviewing purposes, select also the review option, which numbers the lines. The acmart class should, therefore, be called using
\documentclass[sigconf, review]{acmart}
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Word users: DocEng'25 requires papers authored in Word make use of the Interim Word Document Layout which is available here.
Papers must be submitted as a PDF file through EasyChair.
Each submission must fit in one of the following categories:
Full papers: describing complete works of research (up to 10 pages).
Short papers: describing smaller complete works of research, novel challenges or visions (up to 4 pages).
Demonstrations: of interesting use-cases of systems or tools (up to 2 page abstract).
Papers must describe unpublished work that is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Submitters should also be aware of ACM’s Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism.
All submissions will undergo a rigorous single blind review process considering the originality of work, the quality of research or analysis of experience, the relevance to document engineering and the quality of presentation of ideas.
Submission of Auxiliary Material (Full papers and Short papers):
All auxiliary material should be submitted in a folder called "aux" or "auxiliary" within a '.zip' file submitted alongside the PDF of the paper.
Auxiliary material may include videos, survey text, experimental protocols, source code, data and any other material which may help with the replicability of your work. Any non-video auxiliary material should include a "README" file with a description of the materials. Auxiliary material will be uploaded on the ACM digital library with your paper. Please keep in mind that not everyone who reads the paper will necessarily view the auxiliary material, so your submission must stand on its own, and will be reviewed as such.
Video figures do not have a specified limit for duration, although we recommend staying within 10 minutes.
Submission of Supplemental Material (Demonstrations only):
All supplemental material should be submitted in a folder called "sup" or "supplementary" within a '.zip' file submitted alongside the PDF of the paper.
Supplemental material may include for example, a video of the planned demonstration or other audio-visual content that helps a reader understand the system or application. It forms an integral part of the published paper and reviewers are instructed to view this material as part of the reviewing process.
Video figures do not have a specified limit for duration, although we recommend staying within 10 minutes.